Aridagawa Community Design | 有田川 コミュニティデザイン ワークショップ

By engaging the local community we empowered the residents to conceive of new ideas for the reuse of an abandoned, city owned nursery school building in Aridagawa, Japan.
Propel Studio collaborated with PLACE to run a series of community design workshops in a small but vibrant farming town in Wakayama prefecture, a couple of hours south of Osaka by train. We traveled to Japan for a series of workshops and also invited community members to visit and learn from the Portland design and planning process. The design charrettes included looking at the town as a whole, identifying assets and challenges, and discussing master planning concepts. We then narrowed our focus on a city owned nursery school building with the goal of converting it into a community asset that focused on young women entrepreneurs.
Using a a "Kitto" we developed a series of activities and games that got the locals brainstorming ideas, sketching out plans, and thinking about the opportunities in a new creative way. The goal was to break down social barriers and empower everyone to express their ideas. Using role playing games, inspiration images, and lots of discussions, we gathered as much information and ideas as possible, and then worked with the residents to narrow in on the best ideas for their needs. We then turned this vision into architectural and landscape designs and renderings to visualize what the end result could look like.
The town is now working with a local architect to realize the vision.
For more information about our experience and process as architect on community design, please visit this page.
和歌山県有田川町のローカルコミュニティに対する まちづくりの新しいアイデアの提案・廃園となる保育園のリノベーション
Propel Studioとランドスケープ事務所であるPLACEとの共同で、コミュニティーデザインのワークショップを和歌山県有田川町で行った。有田川町は、大阪から電車で数時間という立地にあり、小さい街ながらも農業に活発な街である。今回の一連のワークショップのため、ポートランドのデザイン手法や計画プロセスを伝えるコミュニティーチームを結成し、日本を訪れた。デザインシャレットでは街全体から街の強み・弱みを分析し、計画全体のコンセプトを設定した。ワークショップを経て、町が所有する廃園予定である田殿保育所のリノベーションに焦点を当て、若い女性の起業家のためのコミュニティの場へと変換させていくことがプロジェクトの中心となった。
Project Team:
Architect: Propel Studio
A collaboration with PLACE, Plus Social, Prosper Portland and Mitsu Yamasaki
Aridagawa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan